27 January 2009

jakarta's part

HELLO FELLAAAAAAAAS! yehaa, firstly, happy Chinese new year GONG XEE FA CHAI *bener gak tulisannya?* hahha
last holiday i went to my HOME my CITY ohyeaah JAKARTA ! huaaah.seneng deh. banyak sih yg pengen diceritain tp capek ah. zzz. intinya gw jalan dr hari sabtu tgl 24 naek Garuda (pesawat loh,bukan burung) trus balik naek Garuda juga tgl 27 hari ini.
well,this is some pic i took there.
UPAYthe best part of my life

MIRAthe smallest besties ever
MEGAthe sweet one
FIAthe cute one.

kayaknya lo semua harus nyadar dr semua foto tersebut gw nya terlihat BESAR ya!! oh sh*t. emang yah dulu tuh gw paling cimit piyik kecil bgt diantara temen2 gw. TAPI SEKARAAAAANG! etsyah gw nya emang kayanya kebanyakan HIBERNASI deh. -_-'
. oh iya I've got my new hair loooooh! hahhaha.
udah ya tired bgt deh i am. *apadah*, lallalaaa besok sekolah, byebyeeee.

23 January 2009

sadness posting

i really really can't understood what are you said to me. its not about my friends.but,this is about you JERK!!! who are you?? Ha?! you don't know what i feel,you don't know what i did and you're NOT my FRIEND. so! you cant judge me.oh please.. i cant stop my tears,my mood,don't ask it. whatever,i hate you !! seriously.

20 January 2009

i'll do anything and one love

"lets get together now,and we can feel alright"

16 January 2009


oh deaaar! hello bloggie. long time no see yaaa! ape dah gua males nih ngepost. hahha
eh tau gak gile ajeh lo! MINGGU DEPAN GUA TRY OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!! (FFFF). babix bgt dah males serius god oh please!~

ya whtever! wish me luck.
*shoot me oooh,kill me hei israel !!i dont wanna do this thing (TRY OUT!)

03 January 2009

do nothing day

morning! no no i mean afternoon. huahah -,-
hanya orang idiot yg bilang jam 2siang adalah pagi. ngeeek.
helo teman2 saya g tau mau bilang apa yah cuman bosen aja. huaheem SEKOLAH CEPETAN KEK! holiday is good, but! oh please it make me fat, oh nonono. lagian bosen bgt yak liburan tahun ini g seru deh. biasa saya adalah single mother. hauahha no! saya itu .......... manusia. apa kek dah ya!
today i just stay at home,watching DVD and TV program and interneting and what else? hmhm
jujur aja gw dari pagi tadi belon mandi men. NYEEH! ya mandi nya entar aja sore biar g boros sabun. hahahahhahahahaha *tampol dah. sudah ya saya mau chating dan mau nyoba2 ngedit nih stupid blog ngeeeeng, byebyeeeeeeeeeee.

mood: empty *hah?!

the new one

hello thereeeee. welcome ! so i know its too late to made a blog. so what? i don't care. this blog is still under construction. HUAHAHHA -_____-. waiting the stupid things what i did?? coming soon ! *jailah najis dah.